The first words that come to one’s mind when you mention potential are: “He is great at studying and memorizing”, “He is so talented at sports” and/or “he/she is born to be a Math wizard”.
Many often confuse talent with potential and it is essential to note that these 2 words have very different meanings. Talent is often associated with something that the person is born with or is good at naturally.
What is one’s personal potential?
From Collins Dictionary, the meaning of potential is:
If you say that someone or something has potential, you mean that they have the necessary abilities or qualities to become successful or useful in the future.
Personal potential has to do with your mental strengths rather than what you are gifted at doing. For example, if someone says that you are very bad at math, you can still ace your math exams with hard work and consistent effort.
Personal potential is the ability to use your willpower, strong courage and firm intention to achieve whatever you want. It is not something you are born with or have innate abilities in. These are qualities that you build in yourself with hard and smart work. Basically, potential is something you need to bring out or cultivate from yourself.
Think of potential as sowing a seed into the soil, watering it everyday and eventually a beautiful flower will grow. It is what you do to allow the seed to grow into its full potential.
Have you lived up to your potential yet?
To know if you have lived up to your potential, first you will need to find out what your potential is.
To start, we can ask ourselves the following questions:
What do I enjoy doing?
What are my passions?
What am I in this world for and what do I want to achieve in my lifetime?
What will matter most in my life?
You need to use these questions to do a deep search for yourself .
Why is it important to find your potential?
You want to find your potential because you want to make the best use of your life on this earth.
6 tips to live up to your potential
1. What do you like to do and have a strong interest in being really good at?
Think about your core values. What are the things in life that will make your life more meaningful?
Consider the following questions:
Think of 3 people who you admire and look up to.
What do you like about them?
Which characteristic of these people do you find admirable?
2. Make a conscious effort
Personal potential will only come out when you have put hard work in it. Making a conscious effort means putting in deliberate actions or effort to help you to succeed.
Every time you study or touch a certain subject, think about what kind of goals you want to achieve with this action. For example, your goal to sit down for 2 hours for a time trial for your Math paper 2 is perhaps to improve your time management skills.
3. Make SMART goals
Defining goals will help you to stay on track to understand your potential. You need systematic steps to narrow down what the task you need to do before you can reach the next one.
You can see our blog post for SMART goals to learn more.
4. Set milestones
Try to break down the long-term processes into small chunks. You can work on weekly or monthly milestones that end up contributing to the bigger picture.
You can also take this chance to get feedback from your peers, teachers or tuition teacher about your progress up to date.
5. Learn from failures
It is common to face unexpected issues here and there. The important thing is not to let these setbacks demotivate you. Failure will help you to grow beyond your limits.
You will gain knowledge when you learn from failures. For example, Thomas Edison failed nearly 10,000 times to create an electric lightbulb and with each failure, he gained knowledge of what did not work and used these information to ultimately lead to his success
Take time to revisit your goals. Did you fail because you did not have clear and concrete goals in the past? Perhaps you need to redefine your goals?
See failures as opportunities instead of setbacks. Each opportunity allows you to get better at what you are doing.

6. Celebrate your successes
Taking time to celebrate and recognise your achievements allows you to pinpoint exactly what worked so that you can repeat it in the future.
Taking pride in accomplishments can boost your self esteem and motivate you to do even more in the future.
If you have any pending questions, do contact us directly at Math Lobby using the links below! We love to aid you in your child’s journey to becoming a better student!
As always: Work hard, stay motivated and we wish all students a successful and enjoyable journey with Math Lobby!
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