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Can my child do well in Secondary Math without practice?

Writer: Math LobbyMath Lobby

Can my child score A for math with no practice

How can I help my child score an A in secondary math with little or no practice? Is it possible for my child to do well in secondary math without practice?

In short, the answer is no. But there ways to reduce the amount of practice needed do well. In today’s article, we would love to share with you tips on how you can help your child study smart for their Secondary Math!

Different subjects require different approach when we help our child revise for them. As parents, we must have the full clarity on what are the best ways to deal with our child’s weaknesses, regardless of subjects.

For subjects like the Arts and Language, it is beneficial if we encourage our child read more, exposing them to different types of stands, opinions and views to understand the take of others.

This allows our child to learn from past historical experiences, expanding their base of knowledge and building a strong general knowledge foundation to deal with different type of questions during examinations.

These are necessary to master the skills of weighing the pros and cons based on the gravity or severity of the points mentioned, which allows them to deem if they agree or disagree with the statement in the question.

1) Reading alone is not enough for Math

On the other hand, for the Sciences, like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, reading will never suffice. Although it is true that reading will help students build a strong foundation in understanding the concepts and theories, or the derivation of an equation to the proving of formulae, however these are only true to a certain extent.

It is because without hands-on application, your child will never know if they are truly able to solve a question.

Even for theories and concepts, they are developed by scientists and mathematicians after countless number of trial-and-error, constantly working in their labs every single day, trying out different experiments to prove the validities of their claims.

2) Increase exposure to questions and learning how to apply concepts well

It is inevitable that your child will need to practice in order to excel in Secondary Mathematics. Similar to subjects like the Arts and Language but instead of exposure to different types of stands, opinions and views, you should help your child gain exposure in terms of how questions in Secondary Math can be phrased, or questions with multiple concepts applied which many a times confuses students as they are not familiar with hybrid questions.

Students will find such questions contradicting and unsolvable, but in actual fact students with a strong conceptual foundation will have the ability to decipher the questions easily.

Therefore, it is important to note that having both exposure and a strong conceptual foundation goes hand-in-hand, hence both of it is necessary to excel in Secondary Mathematics.

3) Repetition is key when it comes to Math

As mentioned above, to be able to perform in Secondary Mathematics, your child will need a strong conceptual knowledge from reading and understanding the concepts of Secondary Math, only then will your child be able to have the ability to have hands-on application with what they have learnt from the books on the questions.

Repetition is key when your child is practicing Mathematics questions, because they will need be able to identify the key concepts tested in a question immediately when they see it, so only through constant repetition will your child be able to train yourself to do so.

Of course, students might understand the idea of practicing very well, but always finds it a chore to do it every single day as they think that once they get the idea, there is no need to practice anymore.

What Math Lobby can tell you about this mindset is that it is a WRONG idea to have! Your child should never be complacent when it comes to studying, regardless of whether if it is Secondary Math or other subjects, because we are all humans and we tend to forget things over time, so if your child adopts such a mentality, they will definitely regret it weeks before their examinations when they revisit the chapters and questions!

Math Lobby’s tips to all parents are:

1) Expose your child to more COMPLEX questions, which will aid them in training their mind on the agility in problem-solving

2) NEVER let your child be complacent

3) Help your child build a strong conceptual foundation in Secondary Math with their school materials (textbooks, notes, etc.’) and external resources from libraries, friends from other schools or math tuition.

And that’s all for today, parents! Math Lobby hopes that after reading through this article, you will be help to help your child understand that in order to perform in Mathematics, it takes much more than it meets the eye! If you have any pending questions, please do go on to our Facebook page, Instagram or contact us directly at Math Lobby!

We love to help you lighten your burden by helping your child do well in their Secondary Math!

As always: We hope that all parents had an enjoyable read and benefited from our article.

If you wish to receive more Secondary Math Tips from us to better help your child,

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