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How to excel in examinations

Writer: Math LobbyMath Lobby

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

Hello, students of Math Lobby! We are sure that everyone is aware on how to pass your examinations – do timely revisions, complete your assignments on time, do not procrastinate etc.’.

These work perfectly well when you are studying for your class tests and examinations during your lower secondary levels. However, as you progress into the upper secondary levels, it is not as easy as it seems.

The usual grades you are getting based on your scores in school is only a comparison with your peers, with the introduction of the bell curve in GCE O-Levels, you are competing with students from schools nation-wide, which grading systems can vary quite vastly depending on the difficulty of the examination papers and the general performance of the whole cohort.

Hence, what you will want to do is not to only just pass your examinations, but to stand out from among the rest, excel and push your scores as high as you can so that you do not fall into the trap of the bell-curve!

That is why today, Math Lobby will be sharing some tips and advices to aid you on your journey to excel in your examinations to ensure you secure your grades when in the face of a bell-curve. Let’s begin!

1. Use flow charts and diagrams to help you

Flow charts and diagrams are extremely useful aids in helping you to understand and visualize theories and concepts.

Since the contents are all compressed into the size of an A4 paper, using certain methods to link the relevant points can further help you to summarize the content which allows you to utilize the necessary usage of memory space efficiently while saving extra memory space for the use of other contents.

Math Lobby has articles that dives in-depth into how you can learn to create your own mind maps to understanding the benefits of using a mind map, which you can check it out above!

2. Organize study groups with friends

Students tend to prefer to study on their own because they think it is better if they focus alone and on their own.

Although this can be true to a certain extent, when students experience difficulty understanding some parts of a particular chapter, students that study alone tend to rack their brains on it and it indirectly turns into procrastination as they become vexed about it and give up after wasting hours on trying to figure it out on their own.

On the other hand, studying together in a group can not only cut out procrastination, it also helps you to stay more engaged as you will feel more motivated when you see your peers studying together with you.

It also helps when you face difficulty understanding something, because a group discussion can be done to sort out any conceptual incomprehension since everybody is there to help one another.

To learn more about the benefits of forming a study group, you can check out an article that Math Lobby has for you right above!

3. Practice on old examination questions

When it comes to wanting to excel in examinations, it is inevitable that the best way is to practice past-year questions!

Questions from past-year papers will not only give you a good gauge of the difficulty of an actual major examination paper, it also allows you to understand the different concepts that are typically tested which you can focus on more during your revisions.

Furthermore, you can look through the past-year papers and analyze the different topics that have came up before and use that information to predict the chances of it appearing again and how much weightage will it take up compared to other topics.

The answer key of past-year examination papers are also helpful in terms of identifying key points which you must include in your answers for you to score the marks, which is extremely important because even if you are able to give the correct answer but the way of phrasing did not hit any of the key points, you will not get the marks which makes it an absolute waste!

4. Explain your answers to others

When doing revisions and completing assignments, without the views and opinions of a third party, you will always think that your answers are correct regardless because that is how you were taught to solve those questions.

However, by explaining your answers to your peers, it helps you to identify loopholes and misconceptions that you have which you might not even have realized it in the first place!

This garners constructive feedback which is really beneficial in terms of exploring and searching for the best method you can use to approach the questions, and figure out the fastest and more efficient way to get through the workings for you to save time and build confidence in the area of time management during revisions and examinations, which is often quite a formidable obstacle of many students.

And that’s all for today, students! Math Lobby hopes that after reading through this article, you have gained valuable insights on the numerous ways which you can adopt to not only pass your examinations, but excel in it!

If you have any pending questions, please do go on to our Facebook page, Instagram or contact us directly at Math Lobby! We have certified mathematics tutors to aid you in your journey to becoming a better student!

As always: Work hard, stay motivated and we wish all students a successful and enjoyable journey with Math Lobby!

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