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Why online tuition might actually be better than face-to-face tuition?

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

During this period of global uncertainty, many students have been affected by the closure of schools due to an order passed down by the government, the “circuit breaker policy” or in some countries “lock down”. Following the closure, students have been told to stay at home and study, and full home-based learning has since been activated.

Furthermore, mid-term examinations have been cancelled due to this pandemic since schools are no longer able to host large-scale examinations. Now, despite teachers are still able to keep in contact with students and guiding them through their curriculum, teachers are unable to place undivided focus on them due to the limitations of online video-calling functions. Hence, another possible solution to help the students come to mind: Online tuition.

Although, in the eyes of many parents, online tuition might seem to be unconducive and inefficient since the tutor is not there face-to-face to guide the students in their homework and revisions regardless of the nature being a one-to-one or group basis.

Therefore today, Math Lobby is going to discuss about the benefits of why online tuition might actually be better than face-to-face tuition, extinguishing the skepticism with regards to online tuition especially during this trying times. Read on to find out!

1. Online tuition cuts out the need to travel

When performing face-to-face tuitions, either the tutors or the tutees have to travel to a specific location of meeting for the tuition to take place. However, it can be significantly unproductive as more often than not, travelling times can be placed into good use for revisions or completing assignments.

Another thing to note is that especially during this period of circuit breaker, people are NOT ALLOWED to travel to the house of others if they are not staying within the same household. Meeting in the public outside is also prohibited, which when caught, can be subjected to either a hefty fine or a jail sentence. Therefore, online tuition is optimal for both saving travelling time and being a responsible law-abiding citizen of the country.

2. Online tuition gives you more scheduling flexibility

Online tuitions are really convenient because regardless of wherever you are, all you need is just your laptop and your studying materials, and all you need to do is to make a video call and the tuition can proceed. This is extremely useful if you typically have a tight schedule to run on a daily basis, since both you and your tutor do not have to be at a location specifically for the tuition to go on, but just have to both be online on a sharing platform.

Students will not have to worry about their school schedules clashing with a physically-present tuition and having to rush from one end to the other, this keeps things simple for the students and have proper planning ahead of time, which is one of the essential key factors in ensuring a conducive environment for a student to learn.

3. Online tuition enhances the learning process

Teenagers nowadays love to be on their phones and computer screens for most part of the day, even without an actual specific purpose of surfing the internet. Hence, why not provide them with something that can actually affect them positively?

Online tuition opens up the opportunity to engage tutees in interactive learning apps, viewing of educational videos to improve their visualization of a topic or subject, allowing them to keep in touch with the things they are already skilled in and uses daily will intrigue their curiosity and be more willing to learn. This is definitely more beneficial than just having students surf the internet for non-essential purposes, dwindling their valuable time away.

4. Online tuition is safer than face-to-face tuitions

In Singapore, parents are typically worried about the gender of their child’s tuition teacher. This is inevitable since all parents will want to protect their own children from harm’s way, especially if they are to leave their child in the hands of a stranger that’s in close proximity for hours.

Media plays a major part in these sorts of stereotypes formed like sexual harassments and molestations of a minor by their tutors, or the tutees are made uncomfortable by certain inappropriate contacts of a tutor when parents/guardians are not in the vicinity be it intentional or unintentional. This gray area has led to many parents being on guard and specific when choosing tutors for their children.

However, with online tuition, the risks of running into such an unfortunate scenario is almost close to zero. This is because there is no chance of close contact when proceeding with an online tuition and since a video call has “blind spots” and does not offer a 360 degrees view of the tutees’ environment.

Parents/guardians can be out of plain sight but still within the vicinity to supervise the quality of the tuition, which decreases the chances of a potential perpetrator striking since they will be more wary and cautious about the angles they are not able to view.

5. Less risk of contracting illnesses

Lessening the risk of contracting any types of illnesses due to coming in contact with people will ensure that the students are provided with a more productive environment to study in, since staying healthy is the key to having energy and being able to focus/concentrate better in their studies and revisions, especially during this period of global pandemic.

This is extremely important as there is no way to tell the recovery period from falling ill, and this will lead to a loss of precious time to study and catch up with the schoolwork. Therefore, online tuition also helps to keep your child safe from viruses and bacteria by staying at home and limiting daily human contact from the outside.

That’s all we have for today! We hope that through this discussion, you understood the benefits of having online tuition compared to having the conventional face-to-face tuition and broken the skepticism of many in this ever-changing advanced technology world. As always: Study hard, stay motivated and we wish all students a successful and enjoyable journey with Math Lobby!

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Photo from thetutoress

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